Antillanca Ski Center
Know Antillanca Ski Center
It´s a worldwide known ski center because its 10 tracks and its tourist infrastructure. The place is the perfect one to enjoy the sports and a relaxinf time.
Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Tracks. Tourist infrastructure.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Trekking, horseback ridings, high mountain tours, snowboard, ski, mountainbike, climbing, birds watching, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
- Weather:
Rainy moderate weather. This weather has rains during all year long; in the interior, the temperature oscillates between day and night time.
- Location:
Tracks. Tourist infrastructure.
- Services;
Housing, food, outdoor activities.
- How to get there:
- Surroundings:
Anticuar, Mansa Bay, Antillanca Ski Center, Puyehue Lake, Ñilque, Cuarto Centenario Park, Puyehue National Park, Rupanco lake, Maicolpue beach, Aguas Calientes Springs, Puyehue Springs, Entre Lagos Village.
Nearby tourist attractions
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