Atacama Desert: tourist attractions, panoramas and useful tips
Octubre 02, 2024
Atacama Desert: tourist attractions, panoramas and useful tips

In this blog, we will give you a tour of the main tourism destinations in the Antofagasta and Atacama region, offering you useful travel tips and some recommendations to make your visit a unique experience. Let's get to it!

1. Valley of the Moon: a nature sanctuary

The Valley of the Moon is one of the most beautiful natural heritage sites in the North and, therefore, has established itself as one of the main tourism sites in Chile. It is located in the Los Flamencos National Reserve a few kilometers from San Pedro de Atacama.

This place resembles the lunar surface due to its rock formations, sand dunes and eroded soils. The best time to visit is during sunset, where the Kari Viewpoint (Piedras de Coyote) will be the perfect place to enjoy a moment of peace with your friends and family. 

Travel tip: If you want, you can bring your bicycle and explore the place on wheels. Please note that drones and pets are not allowed. Good footwear, proper hydration and the use of sun protection are essential for an excellent trip. Don't forget to check the weather on the days you will visit!

Visit the Visit Chile tour here

2. Tatio Geysers: the magic of geothermal energy

Another must-see in the Atacama Desert is the Tatio Geysers, a geothermal field located more than 4,300 meters above sea level. This site is famous for its columns of steam that emerge at dawn, offering an impressive natural spectacle. Be careful here, you should not forget warm clothes and something warm to drink, since in the morning the temperatures are usually below zero C° (less than 32 F°)

Travel tip: due to the altitude, we recommend that you acclimatize a few days before your visit to avoid altitude sickness or “get ready.” 

3. Salar de Atacama: an ocean of salt in the middle of the desert

The Salar de Atacama is the largest salt flat in Chile and one of the most prominent places for tourism in the Atacama Desert. You can't miss it! One of the most visited is the Chaxa Lagoon, where you can observe flamingos and other northern birds. 

 Here, the contrast between the aridity of the desert and the wildlife will leave you speechless. 

Travel tip: prefer to visit the salt flat during the afternoon hours to avoid the extreme heat between 12:00 and 16:00, so you can enjoy the sunset reflections in the lagoons.

4. Stargazing: the cleanest sky in the world

The Atacama Desert is known as one of the best places in the world for astronomical observation. Its clear skies all year round and low light pollution, when leaving the big cities, make this destination a paradise for stargazers. 

There are several tourist observatories in the area, among them is the La Silla Observatory (info hereon the border with the Coquimbo Region, and the ALMA Observatory (info here) in the Antofagasta Region. If you can't go to any, don't worry! By moving a couple of kilometers away from the city you are in, you will be able to see a clear and bright sky! 

Travel tip: If you bring binoculars, you will be able to see various constellations, stars and the moon much better. Take advantage of installing the Star Walk application on your cell phone, with which you can detect stars, constellations and planets in real time. Cheer up!

5. The Flowering Desert: flora and fauna 

The Flowering Desert is famous throughout the world, but it does not always achieve flowering due to the lack of precipitation in the area. Fortunately, this year there were two flowering centers in the Atacama Region. The first of them is 30 km south of the city of Copiapó, regional capital, in the Llanos de Travesía park. This place was recently declared Florido Desert National Park, due to the outbreaks that have been observed.  

Another sighting place is in the Province of Huasco, from Cerro Centinela in the north to Los Bronces Cove, several kilometers from the city of Vallenar. Check out more bloom information here.

If you visit any of these places, you will be able to see diverse flora, about 200 species. Among them, the Pata de Guanaco, Borlón de alforja, Añañuca yellow, Huilli, Malvilla, Lirios de campo and Terciopelos stand out. Among the fauna that you may see are foxes, pequén, guanacos and vicuñas. Don't forget to capture these moments! 

Travel tip: To visit these sectors you can travel from Santiago by plane (1 hour) or by bus (12 hours) to Copiapó. Also, remember that since it is an occasional flowering, it is tremendously sacred for the Atacama residents and communities, so visit with care and respect.

Additional Tips 

If you plan to visit the Atacama Desert, here are some essential travel tips to consider: 

Extreme Weather: Temperatures between spring and summer (September and February) can vary drastically between day and night, so bring clothing for the heat of the day and for cold nights.

Hydration: The dry desert climate can cause dehydration, so always carry a bottle of water with you. 

Sun protection: don't forget to bring sunscreen, sunglasses and a hat, as the sun in the desert is very strong all year round, especially from 12:00 to 16:00.

One of the most important tourist attractions in Chile is the Atacama Desert, and it is 100% worth visiting this spring and summer. With these recommendations, you can now start planning your itinerary through this country. Don't forget any!