Bulnes Fort
Know Bulnes Fort
Located on the shores of the Magellan Strait, 62 km south of Punta Arenas. It is a historical reconstruction founded in October 1843, on the rocky hill at santa ana, overlooking the Strait. Here one can admire the flora and fauna and find great variety of birds. Even though the fort has no original construction left, which was done the first inhabitants of Patagonia, it was reconstructed so that it now looks just as it did when it was first built.
Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Cultural and historical relevance.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
- Weather:
Cold moderate rainy weather, without dry season but with microclimates. The annual media temperature is 8°C, meanwhile during summer time the temperature goes from 10° to 18°C. The annual media rain is 450 milimiters.
- Location:
Cultural and historical relevance.
- Services;
Information center, roads.
- How to get there:
Santiago-Punta Arenas: Airway.
Punta Arenas-Bulnes Fortress: Land route.
- Surroundings:
Froward Cape, Punta Arenas cementery, de la Cruz Hill, Pali-Aike cave, El Salto, Magellian Strait, San Isidro lighthouse, Bulnes Fortress, Pali-Aike National Park, Punta Arenas, Magallanes National Reserve, Otway Inlet.
Nearby tourist attractions
Cabo Froward - 38 kmCerro de la Cruz - 53 kmCordón Baquedano - 92 kmLago Lynch - 50 km
Porvenir - 51 kmPunta Arenas - 54 kmReserva Nacional Magallanes - 41 kmSeno Otway - 76 km
With this package you will visit the best of Patagonia starting with the historical and ethnic Punta Arenas, Torres del Paine National Park,…
6 Days / 5 NightsFrom USD $729 -
Half-day excursion to the Strait of Magellan Park and Fort Bulnes departing from Hotel in Punta Arenas.
Half DayFrom USD $68