Castillo Hill
Know Castillo Hill
Known for promoting national identity activities -like the splinter, the rodeo and Chilean races- Cerro Castillo is a small town recognized by its cattle activities. Its population reaches 400 people that live in 200th century constructions, which are a great attraction to visitors. Cerro Castillo used to be a cattle ranch. Now, it´s de comunal capital of Torres del Paine and one of the ideal attractions for national and foreing visitors.
Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Attractive architecture. It´s know because of its cultural activities, like the rodeo and sheep splinter.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Hiking, horseback riding, birds watch, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
- Weather:
Cold moderate rainy weather, without dry season but with microclimates. The annual media temperature is 8°C, meanwhile during summer time the temperature goes from 10° to 18°C. The annual media rain is 450 milimiters.
- Location:
Attractive architecture. It´s know because of its cultural activities, like the rodeo and sheep splinter.
- Services;
Housing, food, transportation.
- How to get there:
Santiago-Punta Arenas: Airway.
Punta Arenas-Puerto Natales: Land route, by Route 9 north.
Puerto Natales-Cerro Castillo: Land route.
Santiago- Puerto Montt: Land route and airway.
Puerto Montt-Puerto Natales: Seaway. - Surroundings:
Las Montañas Channel, Castillo Hill, W Network: Torres del Paine Base- Valle del Frances-Grey Lake, network: Cordillera Paine Lake, Puerto Natales seashort, Dos Lagunas, Calvo Fjord, Bories cold-storage plant, Balmaceda Glaciar, Gulf of Almirante Montt, Balmaceda Lake, Azul Lagoon, Verde Lagoon, Paine Mountain, Cueva del Milodon Natural Monument, Bernardo O´Higgins National Park, Torres del Paine National Park, Antonio Varas Peninsula, Puerto Natales, Alacalufe National Reserve, Serrano River, Ultima Esperanza Inlet.
Nearby tourist attractions
Base de las Torres del Paine - 51 kmCircuito Largo Cordillera Paine - 51 kmCostanera Puerto Natales - 52 kmGlaciar Balmaceda - 54 kmGlaciar Grey - 68 kmGlaciar Serrano - 50 kmGlaciar Tyndall - 63 kmLago Balmaceda - 69 kmLago del Toro - 22 kmLago Grey - 56 kmLago Nordenskjold - 44 km
Lago Paine - 58 kmLago Pehoe - 45 kmMacizo del Paine - 53 kmParque Nacional Torres del Paine - 67 kmPuerto Edén - 52 kmPuerto Natales - 51 kmRío Serrano - 42 kmSeno Ultima Esperanza - 52 kmTorres del Paine - 49 km
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