Flora and Fauna Observation

It means observing natural ecosystems. You can practice it like an outdoor activity or for investigation.

In Chile

Animal and vegetal resources in Chile are unique in the world, considering that several species are only found on this side of the Earth.

National flora and fauna is protected in national parks and reservations, administrated by private and state institutions. All of them are managed by CONAF (National Forestal Corporation).

You can find fauna in arid areas, highlands and in the country. Also, Chile has a beautiful flora, mainly in the south and in Patagonia.


Basic Aspect

To practice this activity, you need to protect the natural enviroment. In Chile, there are some species in extinction danger, like the Puma.

You only need to take care of the nature, respect all the places you visit, take care of yourself and let the authorities know abouth your itinerary.
