National Parks
Fray Jorge forest National Park

It is located in Limari, in northern Chile, where it takes almost ten thousand hectares. From Santiago you can get to the park through the Panamericana Highway, where - by km 389 - you take a secondary road to the park's entrance (22km). The road is made of dirt but it is open all year.
If you begin your trip in La Serena then you need to take the Route 5 road and go south, taking the same secondary road at km 389, which leads you to the national park. If you choose to go in public transportation you should know that only companies in La Serena and Ovalle get to the park, in summertime, and in winter all trips are organized according to demand.
Fray Jorge National Park invites you to see all the wonderful landscapes of the Elqui Valley, which combined with the mountains all around create a unique sight. There are camping areas in El Arrayancito, a semidesertic sector that features 13 different places where you can install your tent, with little kitchens, wood, tables, water and restrooms.
To cover the park, the administration has defined an interpretation path through the absorbent forest, only 10 km away from the environment information center of the park. You can see the forest and learn from it, one of the most beautiful places to be found inside Fray Jorge. The tour is done in about 40 minutes.
Other places to visit are the mouth of Limari River, the coastal road and the Administration building, which was built over a hundred years ago.
Activities you can practice while you visit the park are:
- Environment information Center:
- Observation of fauna, educational and environment information.
- Administration and Arrayancito:
- Observation of fauna.
- Bosque Hidrófilo:
- Observation of flora and fauna, panoramic view.