Know Iquique
Where Chile begins in the north you can find Iquique, the first big commercial and urban center, surrounded by the desert and kilometers of beach. Iquique is an urban center that offers outdoor activities and tourism infrastructure. It´s a great place to go and enjoy the beautiful beaches -like Cavancha- and the desert. In the middle of the desert, the saltpeter gold age left vestiges in the region, besides the geoglifos times, petroglifos and the ancient paintings. The area is very rich in native culture, like the aymara and atacameña, with inhabitants in the cordillera and the highlands. You can find beautiful topography in the Isluga Volcano National Park, with high mountains and attractions like native flora, geisers, lagoons and rivers. You can also practice all sorts of sports, such as scuba diving and fly fishing in the ocean; on land, you can try parapente, buggy and sandboard in the Dragon Hill. The neoclasical architecture (from 1880 and 1930) is another city attraction, and the low prices you can find in the Zona Franca.Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Urban equipment. Flora, fauna and interesting topography in the highlands. Archaeological, anthropological and architectural interest zone. Zona Franca (free taxes zone) and outdoor activities.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Banano, scuba diving, aquatic ski, buggy, mountainbike, swimming, parapente, sport fishing, sandboard, surf, windsurf, photography.
- Weather:
Desert weather, with homogeneous temperatures in the shore. The high media temperature is 24,4ºC and the lowest is 12,5ºC. The rain is almost non existent due to shore couldiness, with a high media of 0,9 milimeters.
- Location:
Urban equipment. Flora, fauna and interesting topography in the highlands. Archaeological, anthropological and architectural interest zone. Zona Franca (free taxes zone) and outdoor activities.
- Services;
Housing, food, transportation, outdoor activities, handmade crafts, mueseums.
- How to get there:
Anywhere-Santiago: Airway
Santiago-Iquique: Airway (LanChile and Sky)
Anywhere-Iquique: Land route, by Panamericana Highway. Also by seaway.
- Surroundings:
Acovinto giant cactus, San Marcos Bay, Baquedano historical street, Zona Franca Shopping center, Dragon Hill, Serrano lighthouse, Puchuldiza Geisers, Sol de Aura Hill geoglifos, Iquique, Pica, Isluga Volcano National Park, Patache, Chillaiiza petroglifos, Piragua, blanca Beach, Brava Beach, Chanavayita Beach, Los Verdes Beach, Yape Beach, Isluga town, Punta Gruesa, Loa River, Tarapacá, Enquelga springs.
Nearby tourist attractions
Fiesta Religiosa La Tirana - 51 kmGeoglifos de Pintados - 64 kmOficinas Salitreras Humberstone - 36 km
Pica - 87 kmPlaya Cavancha - 1 kmTarapacá - 74 kmTermas de Mamiña - 46 km
Meet the well-known Pintados Geoglyphs and the Nitrate factory-servicing town of Humberstone with this half day excursion, departing from Iquique.…
Full DayFrom USD $109