Isla Negra and San Antonio
Know Isla Negra and San Antonio
Located in the south shore of Valparaiso, Isla Negra and San Antonio offer many attractions for tourists. Due to its favorable weather conditions, you can enjoy swimming, outdoor activities and different sports. The area has a very important cultural and natural patrimony known all over the world; some of them are Pablo Neruda´s house, which it's now a museum and a natural refuge.Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Beautiful beaches. Tourist equipment.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Hiking, horseback ridings, sport fishing, windsurf, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
- Weather:
Mediterraneo weather. There is cloudiness in the shore all year long and the temperature is homogeneous. The annual media precipitations are 450 milimeters during winter time. In the interior, the rain reaches the 250 milimiters per year.
- Location:
Beautiful beaches. Tourist equipment.
- Services;
Housing, food, transportation, outdoor activities, information center.
- How to get there:
From Santiago: Land route, by Route 78.
From valparaiso: Land route, by Route 68-CH. Also, you can get it from Quilpue to Casablanca by Route F-50.
- Surroundings:
Algarrobo beach, Rocas de Santo Domingo Beach, Cartagena, Pajaron Niños Island, Mirasol beach, Santo Domingo long beach, El Totoral town,El Peral Lagoon, El Yali National Reserve.
Nearby tourist attractions
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Playa Amarilla - 75 kmPlaya Laguna Verde - 55 kmPlaya Larga Santo Domingo - 7 kmPlaya Puertecillo - 62 kmPlaya Punta de Lobos - 99 kmPlaza de Armas - 90 kmPomaire y Valle del Maipo - 66 kmReserva Forestal Lago Peñuelas - 52 kmReserva Nacional el Yali - 20 kmSantiago - 89 kmValparaíso - 60 kmValparaíso y Viña del Mar - 63 kmViña Concha y Toro - 95 kmViña Cousiño Macul - 97 kmViña del Mar - 64 kmViña El Sauce - 74 kmViña Portal del Alto - 84 kmViña Santa Rita - 88 kmViña Tarapacá Ex Zavala - 65 kmViña Undurraga - 67 km
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