Llanquihue National Reserve
Know Llanquihue National Reserve
The reserve has 33974 hectares, surrounded by unique vegetation. It´s administrated by CONAF. In this place you can find singular fauna and a path to the Calbuco volcano.
Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Flora and fauna.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Trekking, high mountain tour, birds watching, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
- Weather:
Rainy, moderate weather. This weather features rain all year long; in the interior, the temperature oscillates between day and night time.
- Location:
Flora and fauna.
- Services;
Information center.
- How to get there:
From Puerto Montt: Land route, by Chamiza highway.
- Surroundings:
Caicaen, Calbuco, Angelmó, Carelmapu, Chinquique, Maullin, Cochamo, Tengo island, Chapo Lake, Pargua, Alerce Andino National Park, Sotomo Springs, Pangal Beach, Quenuir, Quillaipe, Llanquihue National Reserve, Puelo River, Puerto Montt.
Nearby tourist attractions
Angelmo - 39 kmCentro de Esqui Antillanca - 74 kmCentro de Esquí Volcán Osorno - 31 kmChacao - 96 kmFrutillar - 51 kmLago Llanquihue - 36 kmLago Puyehue - 79 kmLago Puyehue y Osorno - 87 kmLago Rupanco - 66 kmLago Todos los Santos - 37 kmParque Nacional Alerce Andino - 19 kmParque Nacional Hornopirén - 71 km
Parque Nacional Puyehue - 91 kmPeulla - 26 kmPuerto Montt - 37 kmPuerto Montt y Angelmo - 38 kmPuerto Octay - 55 kmPuerto Varas - 40 kmRío Puelo - 71 kmSaltos del Petrohué - 28 kmTermas de Aguas Calientes - 74 kmTermas de Puyehue - 77 kmVolcán Calbuco - 11 kmVolcán Osorno - 31 km
3 days / 2 nights program, staying in Puerto Varas, Sailing to Villa Peulla( mountain village) in Todos Los Santos Lake.
3 Days / 2 NightsFrom USD $117