Los Flamencos National Reserve
Know Los Flamencos National Reserve
With 73986 hectares, the Flamenco National Reserve has different attractions for visitors, like mountains, salars, rocky forms, lagoons, archaeological areas and native flora and fauna. The reserve is divided in seven areas: Tara Salar, Aguas Calientes Salar, Puisa Salar, Miscanti and Miñiques Lagoons, Soncor area, Aguas de Quelana Lagoon (Atacama Salar), Moon Valley and Tambillo. In every place there are different weather conditions, having different vegetal and animal population. In the reserve it is possible to find a rich fauna like vicuñas, culpeo and grey foxes, vizcachas, chinchillas, chululos, caities, swallows, hawks, pequenes, andes seagulls, ñandus, condors, and Chilean and James flamencos, among others. When it comes to flora you will find llaretas, paja brava, breas, tolas de agua and amaja, cachiyuyos and tamarugos trees.Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Flora and fauna. Topographic and landscape interest.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Horseback ridings, bird watch, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
- Weather:
Desert weather. The temperature oscillates between day and night time, and the summer rain is more frequent with a high media of 3 milimeters. The high media temperature is 24,5ºC and the lowest is 17,1ºC.
- Location:
Flora and fauna. Topographic and landscape interest.
- Services;
Housing, food, transportation, outdoor activities, handmade crafts, camping, information center.
- How to get there:
Anywhere-Calama: Airway.
Anywhere-Santiago: Airway.
Santiago-Antofagasta: Airway and land route, by Panamericana 5 North.
Antofagasta-Calama: Land route, by Route 25 CH. Airway.
Calama-San Pedro de Atacama: Land route, by Route CH-23. Public and private transportation.
San Pedro de Atacama- Aguas de Quelanas: Land route, going to Toconao. Then take Route B-335.
To Tara Salar, Puisa Salar and Aguas Calientes: Land route.
- Surroundings:
Tulor town, Puritana springs, Cordillera of the Salt, Chaxa Lagoon, Tara Lagoon, Miscanti and Miñiques, Peine, Quitor Pukara, Jere Stream, Los Flamencos National Reserve, Atacama Salar, San Pedro de Atacama, Socaire, Toconao, Moon Valley, Licancabur Volcano.
Nearby tourist attractions
Aldea de Tulor - 2 kmBaños de Puritama - 32 kmCalama - 88 kmChiu-Chiu - 78 kmCordillera de la Sal - 5 kmEl Loa y Calama - 90 kmGeyser del Tatio - 72 kmIglesia de Socaire - 80 kmIglesia San Pedro de Atacama - 5 kmLaguna de Chaxa - 41 kmLaguna de Tara - 99 kmMina de Chuquicamata - 97 km
Museo Arqueológico de Calama - 87 kmMuseo Gustavo Le Paige - 5 kmParque el Loa - 90 kmPukará de Lasana - 85 kmPukará de Quitor - 6 kmSalar de Atacama - 52 kmSan Pedro de Atacama - 4 kmSocaire - 79 kmToconao - 35 kmValle de la Luna - 6 kmVolcán Licancabur - 38 km
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