Magellan Strait
Know Magellan Strait
It's the natural access between the Pacific and Alantic Ocean, the Magellan or Todos los Santos Strait, is an incredible sight for those who visit the zone. Surrounded by an amazing natural landscape, the strait was named after its discoverer, Hernando de Magallanes.
Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Sea kayak, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
- Weather:
Cold moderate rainy weather, without dry season but with microclimates. The annual media temperature is 8°C, meanwhile during summer time the temperature goes from 10° to 18°C. The annual media rain is 450 milimiters.
- Location:
- Services;
Housing, food, transportation, outdoor activities, cafeteria.
- How to get there:
Santiago-Punta Arenas: Airway.
Argentina-Punta Natales: Land route, through Monte Aymond, Dorotea, Casa Viejas and Don Guillermo River border customs. Route CH-225.
Puerto Montt-Punta Arenas: Seaway.
Anywhere-Punta Arenas and Magellian Strait: Airway.
- Surroundings:
Froward Cape, Punta Arenas cementery, de la Cruz Hill, Pali-Aike cave, El Salto, Magellian Strait, San Isidro lighthouse, Bulnes Fortress, Pali-Aike National Park, Punta Arenas, Magallanes National Reserve, Otway Inlet.
Nearby tourist attractions
Cordón Baquedano - 44 kmCueva Pali-Aike - 73 kmLago Lynch - 73 kmMonumento Natural Los Pingüinos - 36 km
Parque Nacional Pali-Aike - 75 kmPorvenir - 71 kmPunta Arenas - 91 kmPunta Dúnguenes - 95 kmchacao - 73 km
Visit the stunning King Penguin Park and sail the legendary Strait of Magellan with this full-day excursion to discover these beautiful birds.
Full DayFrom USD $185 -
Half-day excursion to the Magdalena Penguin Colony, departing from Hotel in Punta Arenas.
Half DayFrom USD $142