Pomaire and Maipo Valley
Know Pomaire and Maipo Valley
Located in southern Santiago, this destination has rural characteristic and agricultural activities. Chilean food, chicha and “dulces de Curacavi” are part of the traditional gastronomy that visitors can enjoy here. Handmade crafts are very popular, and you can even find some sale centers by the highways. Pomaire is one of the major handmade crafts centers. The vineyards, fresh air and the beautiful water of Aculeo Lagoon are other attractions of the region to enjoy a relaxing time.
Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Flora and fauna, Folclorical interest zone. Vineyard.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Swimming, sport fishing, rowing, aquatic ski, windsurf, photography.
- Weather:
Mediterraneo weather. There is a dry season and rains during winter time. The annual media temperature is 14ºC, and the annual media precipitation is 356.2 milimeters.
- Location:
Flora and fauna, Folclorical interest zone. Vineyard.
- Services;
Housing, food, transportation, roads, outdoor activities.
- How to get there:
To Melipilla, Peñaflor, El Monte and Talagante: Land route, by Route 78 and Route 66. In Serrano Street of Melipilla, you can access to Rapel Route.
To Curacavi: Land route, by Route 78
To Maria Pinto: Land route, by Route 78
To San Bernardo, Buin, Paine and Aculeo Lagoon: Land route, by Route 5 south.
- Surroundings:
Buin, Buin Zoo-Asis Park, Alto de Cantillana Hill, Horcon de Piedra Hill, La Cruz Hill, Curacavi, El Monte, Aculeo Lagoon, Esmeralda Lagoon, Mallarauco, Melipilla, Paine, Pomaire, Chena Pukara, Alhue Village, Viña Linderos, Viña Portal del Alto, Viña Undurraga, Viña Santa Rita.
Nearby tourist attractions
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Playa Larga Santo Domingo - 67 kmPlaza de Armas - 42 kmRancagua y Valle de Cachapoal - 48 kmReserva Forestal Lago Peñuelas - 87 kmReserva Nacional el Yali - 72 kmReserva Nacional Río Cipreses - 89 kmReserva Nacional Río Clarillo - 41 kmRuta del Vino de Cachapoal - 59 kmRuta del Vino de Colchagua - 98 kmSan Fernando - 93 kmSantiago - 37 kmSantiago y Farellones - 51 kmTermas de Cauquenes - 64 kmValle de Colchagua - 99 kmViña Bisquertt - 97 kmViña Casa Silva - 87 kmViña Concha y Toro - 33 kmViña Cousiño Macul - 42 kmViña El Sauce - 95 kmViña Portal del Alto - 18 kmViña Santa Rita - 23 kmViña Tarapacá Ex Zavala - 3 kmViña Undurraga - 11 km
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