Know Porvenir
Porvenir was found in 1894 and it´s the capital of Tierra del Fuego. Located only 40 kilometers away from Punta Arenas, Porvenir offers an interesting cultural and archaeological patrimony. In the City Museum, which is in the municipal building, you can find archaeological vestiges, a film library –with movies made at the beginning of the 20th century that feature information on the “gold fever”.
Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Urban services. Cultural and historical patrimony.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Hiking, photography.
- Weather:
In summer season the media temperature goes from 11,7° and 10,6°C; meanwhile in winter time the media temperature doesn´t pass the 2,5°C. The media rain is 440 milimiters per year.
- Location:
Urban services. Cultural and historical patrimony.
- Services;
Housing, food, roads, transportation, outdoor activities, museums.
- How to get there:
Santiago-Punta Arenas: Airway.
Punta Arenas-Primera Angostura intersection: Land route, 170 kilometers from the regional capital.
Primera Angustura intersection-Porvenir: Land route by Route 9 north. Getting to the 47 kilometer take Route CH225 and then take route to Porvenir.
Tres Puntes-Porvenir: Seaway by the Magellian Strait.
Punta Arenas-Porvenir: Airway.
- Surroundings:
Baquedano Mountain, Draga aurifera, Blanco Lake, Lynch Lake, Fernando Cordero Rusque Provincial Museum, Onaisin, Alberto De Agostini Nacional Park, Condor River, Almirantazgo Inlet, Los Castores Valley.
Nearby tourist attractions
Cabo Froward - 90 kmCerro de la Cruz - 47 kmCordón Baquedano - 44 kmEstrecho de Magallanes - 71 kmFuerte Bulnes - 51 kmLago Lynch - 1 km
Monumento Natural Los Pingüinos - 53 kmPunta Arenas - 39 kmReserva Nacional Magallanes - 61 kmRío Verde - 98 kmSeno Otway - 65 kmchacao - 71 km
Visit the stunning King Penguin Park and sail the legendary Strait of Magellan with this full-day excursion to discover these beautiful birds.
Full DayFrom USD $185