Puelo River
Know Puelo River
With several caudals, Puelo River is another favorite place for extreme sports and ecoturism lovers. Puelo river goes from Cerro Tronador in Argentina to Reloncavi estuary in the Chilean territory. It has torrents and navegable waters that support outdoor activities and are a natural landscape delight.
Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Beaches and bilges, fauna that include rainbow trouts, marron and Fario.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Trekking, high mountain tours, horseback riding, kayak, sport fishing, birds watching, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
- Weather:
Moderate rainy. Rains all year.
- Location:
Beaches and bilges, fauna that include rainbow trouts, marron and Fario.
- Services;
Housing, food, transportation, outdoor activities.
- How to get there:
Santiago-Puerto Montt: Land route and airway.
Puerto Montt-Puerto Varas: Land route, by International Route 225 until Ralun.
Ralún-Cochamó and Rio Puelo: Land route. - Surroundings:
Yelcho lake, Espolon lake, Hornopiren Nacional Park, Pumalin park, Futaleufu Nacional Reserve, Palena Nacional Reserve, Encuentro river, Futaleufu river, El Amarillo springs, Llancahue springs.
Nearby tourist attractions
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Puerto Montt - 94 kmPuerto Montt y Angelmo - 94 kmReserva Nacional Llanquihue - 71 kmRuta Austral Puelo - Futaleufu - 83 kmSaltos del Petrohué - 90 kmVolcán Calbuco - 82 kmVolcán Osorno - 97 km