Punta Choros
Know Punta Choros
Punta Choros is a town that offers an amazing view of the animal population. It has an incredible fauna that includes dolphins, chungungos and the Humboldt penguin. With beautiful beaches and bays, Punta Choros is a fantastic place you can visit all yar. The whole journey takes you to to Choros, Damas and Gaviotas Islands and Las Tacas, La Barranca or Blanca, el Aguila, La Ventana y Los Bolones beaches.Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Singular fauna. Beaches, bays and fantastic islands.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Sport fishing, scuba diving, swimming, sailing, sea kayak, picnic, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
- Weather:
Semiarid. Arid in the north and mild in the south. The shore temperatures are homogeneuos, meanwhile in the interior the temperature oscillates between day and night time. Rain during winter season.
- Location:
Singular fauna. Beaches, bays and fantastic islands.
- Services;
Food, outdoor activities, camping.
- How to get there:
Santiago, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Copiapo-La Serena: Airway.
Anywhere-La Serena: Land route, by Panamericana Highway north
La Serena-Punta Choros: Land route, by Panamericana Highway 5 North - Surroundings:
Andacollo, Las Tacas Beach, Los Hornos Bay, El Tofo Hill, Old Chungungo, La Serena, Coquimbo, Choros Island, Damas Island, La Higuera, La Serena, Las Campanas Astronomy Observatory, La Silla Astronomy Observatory, Blanca Beach, Choros beach, Guanaqueros beach, La herradura beach, Peñuelas beach, Tongoy, Punta Choros, Humboldt Penguin National Reserve.
Nearby tourist attractions
Coquimbo - 81 kmIsla Damas - 3 kmLa Serena - 73 kmLa Serena y Coquimbo - 77 km
Playa Morrillos - 98 kmPlaya Totoralillo - 91 kmPlayas Avenida del Mar - 78 km
This fascinating full day excursion is an invitation to nature lovers and adventurers alike.
Full DayFrom USD $166