Santiago and Farellones
Know Santiago and Farellones
Santiago is the main urban center of the Metropolitan region and the country´s capital. Farellones is located a few kilometers northeast of Santiago and it´s the perfect place to practice snow sports in one of the most important ski centers in South America. This destination offers high quality urban services, with an spectacular public and private infrastructure, and a diverse cultural offer. However, also you can enjoy calm places and nature in areas near the Costa Cordillera. This destination combines modern and rural traditions, with different landscapes and realities, to welcome the visitors to the largest and narrowest country in the world.
Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Flora and fauna. Urban and rural equipment. Cultural and historical interest zone.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Horseback ridings, bicycle ridings, mountainbike, trekking, snow trekking, ski, radonne, high mountain tours, snowboard, sport fishing, sailing, canoe, windsurf, picnic, bird watch, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
- Weather:
Mediterraneo weather. There is a dry season and rains during winter time. The annual media temperature is 14ºC, and the annual media precipitations are 356.2 milimeters.
In the Andes, there is a cold heigh weather, above the 3000 meters. Low temperatures and solid rain. - Location:
Flora and fauna. Urban and rural equipment. Cultural and historical interest zone.
- Services;
Housing, food, transportation, roads, outdoor activities.
- How to get there:
To Santiago: Airway, to the Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport. Also, land route, by Route Panamericana 5.
From Valparaiso: Land route, by Cuesta La Dornida (Route 68)
To Farellones: Land route, east direction. By Kennedy and Las Condes Ave. take Farellones road. - Surroundings:
Barrio Italia-Condell, Barrio Balmaceda, Barrio Bellavista, Barrio Brasil, Barrio Suecia, Barrio Concha and Toro, Barrio Lastarria, Barrio Paris-Londres, Barrio Patronato, Barrio Republica, Barrio Yungay, Caleu, Canteros de Colina, El Colorado Ski Center, La Parva Ski Center, Valle Nevado Ski Center, Santa Lucia Hill, El Arrayan, Maipú Battle Historical field, Calan Hill Observatory, Metropolitan Park, Forestal Park, Caren Lagoon and Park, Los Dominicos Town, Mapocho River, Viña Cousiño Macul.
Nearby tourist attractions
Barrio Cívico de Santiago - 16 kmCajón del Maipo - 23 kmCentro de Esqui Chapa Verde - 67 kmCentro de Esquí EL Colorado - 22 kmCentro de Esqui La Parva - 23 kmCentro de Esqui Lagunillas - 42 kmCentro de Esqui Portillo - 75 kmCentro de Esqui Valle Nevado - 25 kmCerro Santa Lucia - 15 kmEl Ingenio - 39 kmEmbalse el Yeso - 44 kmFarellones - 18 kmLaguna de Aculeo - 59 kmLos Andes y Portillo - 70 kmPalacio Cousiño - 16 kmPalacio de La Moneda - 16 kmParque Forestal - 15 kmParque Laguna Caren - 34 kmParque Nacional La Campana - 80 kmPlaza de Armas - 16 km
Pomaire y Valle del Maipo - 51 kmRancagua y Valle de Cachapoal - 82 kmReserva Nacional Río Clarillo - 34 kmRuta del Vino de Cachapoal - 96 kmSantiago - 16 kmTermas de Cauquenes - 88 kmTermas de Jahuel - 81 kmTermas El Corazón - 73 kmViña Concha y Toro - 22 kmViña Cousiño Macul - 9 kmViña El Sauce - 96 kmViña Portal del Alto - 38 kmViña Santa Rita - 34 kmViña Tarapacá Ex Zavala - 55 kmViña Undurraga - 43 km
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