Seno Ultima Esperanza
Know Seno Ultima Esperanza
With amazing geography, Ultima Esperanza Inlet connects the Balmaceda and Serrano snowcaps with Puerto Natales city. It was baptized by Juan Ladrilleros in 1557, who believed the inlet was an exit to the Magellian Strait. The inlet features incredible visual attractions like fjords, channels ans snowcaps. Its favorable weather in summer season varies between the 10°C and the 18°C, which turn it into a perfect place for ecotourism and flora and fauna contemplation.
Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Flora and fauna. Interesting geography. Sea entrance that connects Puerto Natales with two snowcaps of the region.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
Navigation, flora and fauna contemplation, photography.
- Weather:
Cold moderate rainy weather, without dry season but with microclimates. The annual media temperature is 8°C, meanwhile during summer time the temperature goes from 10° to 18°C. The annual media rain is 450 milimiters.
- Location:
Flora and fauna. Interesting geography. Sea entrance that connects Puerto Natales with two snowcaps of the region.
- Services;
Housing, food, transportation.
- How to get there:
Santiago-Punta Arenas: Airway.
Punta Arenas-Puerto Natales: Land route, by Route 9 north.
Puerto Natales-Ultima Esperanza Inlet: Seaway
Santiago- Puerto Montt: Land route and airway.
Puerto Montt-Puerto Natales: Seaway. - Surroundings:
Nearby tourist attractions
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