Tololo Observatory Hill
Know Tololo Observatory Hill
Cerro Tololo Astronomical Observatory is an investigation center located 2200 meters above sea level. It has seven high technology optical telescopies. It´s operated by the Asociation of Universities for the Research in Astronomy Incorporation (AURA), in asociation with the National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO), University of Chile and the National Science Fundation.Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
High technology instruments.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
- Weather:
Semiarid. Arid in the north and mild in the south. The shore temperatures are homogeneuos, meanwhile in the interior the temperature oscillates between day and night time. Rain during winter season.
- Location:
High technology instruments.
- Services;
Outdoor activities.
- How to get there:
Anywhere-La Serena: Land route, by Panamericana Highway north (473 kilometer)
Santiago, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Copiapo-La Serena: Airway.
La Serena-Cerro Tololo Astronomycal Observatory: Land route, by Internacional Route Gabriela Mistral CH-41. - Surroundings:
La Virgen Hill, El Molle, La Laguna Dam, Gualliuaica, Monte Grande, Cerro Mamalluca Astronomical Observatory, Cerro Tololo Astronomical Observatory, Paihuano, Cochiguaz Valley, Elqui River Valley, Vicuña.
Nearby tourist attractions
Coquimbo - 53 kmLa Serena - 53 kmLa Serena y Coquimbo - 53 kmMonte Grande - 30 kmParque Nacional Fray Jorge - 96 kmPisco Elqui - 29 kmPlaya Morrillos - 54 kmPlaya Totoralillo - 56 km
Playas Avenida del Mar - 53 kmTermas de Socos - 90 kmTongoy - 66 kmValle de Cochiguaz - 37 kmValle del Elqui - 23 kmValle del Encanto - 80 kmValle del Limarí - 59 kmValle del Río Elqui - 21 kmVicuña - 17 km
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