Trekking to San Francisco Glacier in El Morado Natural Monument
Duration: Full day (12 hours)
Number of passengers: Minimum 4 passengers
Start: Hotel in Santiago
Departure: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Subject to confirmation. (October to May)
Enjoy a spectacular excursion to El Morado Natural Monument and Glacier San Francisco.
- Service: Shared option
- Dificulty: High
- Departure: Tuesday to Sunday. Subject to confirmation.
- Starting time and place: Pick up time 6:30 am. Pick up place at the Hotel.
- Duration: 12 hrs
IMPORTANT: Dollars rates are subject to confirmation and they are referential only.
Recommended for adventurous people!
We are going to a unique area close to the city of Santiago, named Cajon del Maipo. This is the place where you can do adventure
tourism activities and enjoy the nature and the majestic Andes Mountain range.
This spectacular excursion at El Morado Natural Monument located at 93 kms away from Santiago, is one of the most emblematic
hikes from Santiago surroundings. We are going to start our walk from Baños Morales, a small mountain town located at
an altitude of 1.900 meters above sea level. The pathway will bring us up to the impressive San Francisco Glacier (2500 meters)
and to Morales lagoon, of glacial origin. On our way we will have a refreshing stop at “Aguas de Panimávida”, a water
enriched by minerals which springs out directly from the ground.
Once at Morales lagoon we are going to eat a delicious sandwich and we can fill our bottles with pure and crystalline water
from the glacier. We will find native birds and flora from this place, and two unmatched beauties of the Andes mountain
range: El Morado and San Francisco mountains, both above 5.000 meters of altitude.
Note: Rates in regular service with a minimum of 2 passengers
Price-quality ratio
Showing 8 customer comments

Lucre Minondo
Me gustaría que los agentes pudieran contestar todas las inquietudes y si desconocen la respuesta pues decir que por el momento no tienen la información necesaria. Yo pregunte varias cosas y solo me respondieron in par de ellas. Tener un calendario en la web para saber cuando van a salir ya que ustedes esperan un cupo minimo por excursion. Para uno es dificil planear si no se sabe cuando hay salida. Esto les auudaria tambien mucho a sus agentes.

vanessa garcia

vanessa garcia

maria carolina gomez
nosotros visitamos las torres del paine, los glciares, las pinguineras y realmente son hermosos lugares que en la descripcion del tour no se aprecian asi. Estoy segura que si describieran un poco mejor cada vez serian mas las personas que irian a esas maravillas y que ontratarian con ustedes.

joaquim fontes
El bus desde Ushuaia a Punta Arenas (12 horas), es muy agotador

micky letelier

micky letelier