Tulor Village
Know Tulor Village
Tulor Village was an important city circa 2800 b.C. with 200 inhabitants. Today, it´s a museum that seems to have been burried under the sand, right in the middle of the desert. The new town features houses built with mud, just like the first inhabitants used to build their homes, surrounded by walls that worked as protection. The constructions reach the 2 meters high and most of them have balconies.Información del Destino:
- Attractions:
Anchaeological and anthropological interest zone.
- When to go:
All year long.
- Activities:
- Weather:
Desert weather. Temperature oscillates between day and night, and in summertime it rains more frequently, 3 mm average. Average temperature reaches 24,5ºC and the lowest is 17,1ºC.
- Location:
Anchaeological and anthropological interest zone.
- Services;
Housing, food, transportation, outdoor activities, handmade crafts.
- How to get there:
Anywhere-Calama: Airway.
Anywhere-Santiago: Airway.
Santiago-Antofagasta: Airway and land route, taking Panamericana 5 North.
Antofagasta-Calama: Land route, by Route 25 CH. Airway.
Calama-San Pedro de Atacama: Land route, by Route CH-23. Public and private transportation.
San Pedro de Atacama-Tulor town: Land route, by Route CH-23 (to the Moon Valley). - Surroundings:
Tulor town, Puritana springs, Cordillera of the Salt, Chaxa Lagoon, Tara Lagoon, Miscanti and Miñiques, Peine, Quitor Pukara, Jere Stream, Los Flamencos National Reserve, Atacama Salar, San Pedro de Atacama, Socaire, Toconao, Moon Valley, Licancabur Volcano.
Nearby tourist attractions
Baños de Puritama - 34 kmCalama - 89 kmChiu-Chiu - 79 kmCordillera de la Sal - 6 kmEl Loa y Calama - 91 kmGeyser del Tatio - 74 kmIglesia de Socaire - 78 kmIglesia San Pedro de Atacama - 7 kmLaguna de Chaxa - 38 kmLaguna de Tara - 99 kmLagunas Miscanti y Miñiques - 98 kmMina de Chuquicamata - 98 km
Museo Arqueológico de Calama - 88 kmMuseo Gustavo Le Paige - 7 kmParque el Loa - 91 kmPukará de Lasana - 87 kmPukará de Quitor - 9 kmSalar de Atacama - 50 kmSan Pedro de Atacama - 6 kmSocaire - 78 kmToconao - 34 kmValle de la Luna - 6 kmVolcán Licancabur - 39 km
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